Textbook Activity Solved from “THE BOOK OF NATURE” | Class – 7


Activity solved from “THE BOOK OF NATURE” (unit – II), class – 7

Textbook Activity:


– Jawaharlal Nehru

Activity Questions and Answers:


Complete the following sentences with information from the text:

1) No book could have been written in old times because _____________.

Ans- No book could have been written in old times because then men did not exist.

2) To be able to read any language one _____________.

Ans- To be able to read any language one has to learn its alphabet.

3) A small pebble was definitely a part ______________.

Ans- A small pebble was definitely a part of a big rock.

4) On the branches at the seaside, little children ______________.

Ans- On the branches at the seaside little children can play and make castles out of the sand.


Fill in the following chart with information from the text:


1) Fairy tales need not be true.Because those are based on imagination.
2) A piece of rock looks different from a pebble.Because a rock is full of corners or rough edges whereas a pebble is round and smooth and shiny.
3) A bit of rock from some mountainside reaches a little valley.Because the rain washed the bit of rock down to the little valley.
4) All pebbles do not become sand.Because the river leaves some pebbles behind in its course.


Answer the following questions:

1) Which are the things around us that tell us about the earth’s early tale?

Ans- Rocks and mountains and seas and stars and rivers and deserts and fossils of old animals tell us about the earth’s early tale.

2) Why does a pebble have a smooth surface?

Ans- The pebble becomes smooth because it rolls at the bottom of the river and its edges are worn away and its rough surface becomes smooth and shiny.

3) How does a pebble become grains of sand?

Ans- When a river carries a pebble on, it becomes smaller and smaller till at last it becomes a grain of sand.

4) What does the author mean by ‘The Great Book of Nature ‘?

Ans- By ‘The Great Book of Nature ‘ the author means different elements of nature like mountains, rocks, deserts, seas, stars etc.. wherefrom we learn a lot about the time when there was no life on earth.

Also read: Important Textbook Activity from “THE BOOK OF NATURE” | Class – 7


Rearrange the sentences in the correct order by writing the numbers in the brackets:

1) The rock is taken to a big river by the little river. – ii

2) At last it is turned into grains of sand. vi

3) It becomes a pebble. – iv

4) A bit of rock is pushed by a mountain stream into a little river. – i

5) The pebble becomes smaller because it is carried on and on by the river. – v

6) The edges of the rock are worn away and its rough surface is made smooth. – iii


Match the words in Column A with their meanings in Column B. One is done for you:

Column AColumn B
1) fascinating very interesting or charming
2) merely only or just
3) fortunatelyluckily
4) alphabetthe set of letters in a language
5) surfacetop visible side
6) wornbecome damaged by use


Replace the underline words with suitable opposite words from the box. There are some extra words:

• hopeful, lost, add, left, ugly, late, sad, rough

1) The man became famous in the early years of his life.

Ans- The man became famous in the late years of his life.

2) She is looking very happy.

Ans- She is looking very sad.

3) The trunk of this huge tree has a smooth bark.

Ans- The trunk of this huge tree has a rough bark.

4) Jatin found his pencil box on his way to school.

Ans- Jatin lost his pencil box on his way to school.

5) Smita learnt to subtract.

Ans- Smita learnt to add.

ACTIVITY – 12 (a)

Read the paragraph below and put the apostrophe (‘) mark in the proper place:

Rahims father is a well-known person. The honourable M.L.A. of the area is his relative. He has donated a good sum of money to the local library for buying new books. The library is located near the girls high school. Sabinas brother and Akrams sister often visit the library. They like to read childrens story books and Tagores poems. Their parents also go there to read newspapers after the days work.


Rahim’s father is a well-known person. The hon’ble M.L.A. of the area is his relative. He’s donated a good sum of money to the local library for buying new books. The library is located near the girls’ high school. Sabina’s brother and Akram’s sister often visit the library. They like to read children’s story books and Tagore’s poems. Their parents also go there to read newspapers after the day’s work.

ACTIVITY – 12 (b)

Rewrite the following passage using contracted forms of words wherever applicable:

The teacher said, “We all know you are a good student, I cannot understand why you have done such a thing. You should not behave rudely with your classmates, Promise me, you will always remember what I have said.”

The student realised his mistake. He said, “Sir, I am sorry. I shall never behave like this.”


The teacher said, “We all know you’re a good

student. I can’t understand why you’ve done such a

thing. You shouldn’t behave rudely with your

classmates. Promise me you’ll always remember

what I’ve said. “

The student realised his mistake, He said, “Sir, I’m sorry. I’ll never behave like this “

ACTIVITY – 13 (a)

Fill in the chart correctly:

PronounsPassive Adjectives Pronouns

ACTIVITY – 13 (b)

Fill in the blanks with appropriate possessive pronouns and Possessive adjectives:


Yesterday I forgot to take back my pen from Sunil. I gave him mine in the class because he didn’t bring his.

The little girl has torn her clothes. “But why are your clothes dirty”? asked the mother to the girl’s elder brothers. “We have soiled our clothes while playing outside “, they said.