Important Textbook Activity from “The Wind Cap” (Unit – III) | Class – 8 | WBBSE

The Wind Cap

Questions and Answers for class – 8

Textbook Activity:

The Wind Cap

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Activity – 6

Write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false statements in the given boxes. Give supporting statements for each of your answers:

A) Jon never dreamt about the land.

Ans- False; Supporting Statement: Jon could not stop dreaming of the land.

B) The squall was called up because Jon was sleeping.

Ans- True; Supporting Statement: The squall was called up by the cap when one afternoon Jon was quite asleep.

C) The captain was angry with Jon.

Ans- True; Supporting Statement: In anger, he grabbed the tail of his striped cap.

D) Jon did not return the wind cap to the fairy man.

Ans- False; Supporting Statement: Jon placed the wind cap under a stone where he knew the fairy man would find it.

Activity – 7

Answer the following questions:

A) Why did the sailors try to rip off the cap from Jon’s head?

Ans- The sailors tried to rip off the cap from Jon’s head because the wind had been whirling abou the ship tearing the sails and snapping the spars and they thought it was due to Jon’s fault.

B) How did Jon divide his time between land and sea?

Ans- Jon divided his time by spending half the year in a ship and half on the shore.

C) Do you think Jon was rightly called Captain Turtle? Give a reason for your answer.

Ans- Jon was rightly called Captain Turtle because he was, just like a turtle, as much at home on the water as he was on the land.

D) Why did Jon want to return the wind cap to the fairy man?

Ans- Jon wanted to return the wind cap to the fairy man because he was confident enough to go to the sea again without the wind cap.

Also read: Activity Questions and Answers from “The Wind Cap” (Unit – I and II) | Class – 8 | WBBSE

Activity – 8 (a)

Underline the verbs in the following sentences that suggest actions that began in the past and are still continuing:

A) They have been travelling for ten hours.

Ans- have been travelling

B) He thanked me for what I have been doing.

Ans- have been doing

C) The baby has been sleeping all day.

Ans- has been sleeping.

Activity – 8 (b)

Underline the verbs in the following sentences which suggest actions that began before a certain point in the past and continued up to that time:

A) They had been playing in the field for an hour before mother called them.

Ans- had been playing

B) When I visited my uncle, he had been teaching in a school there for five years.

Ans- had been teaching

C) Rita had been studying in our school for the last eight years since I met her.

Ans- had been studying

Activity – 8 (c)

Fill in the blanks with either the Present Perfect Continuous or Past Perfect Continuous Tense:

1) The rain ________ when I left home. (pour)

Ans- had been pouring

2) The engineers _________ the bridge for the past few months. (build)

Ans- had been building

3) The performers _________ since evening. (sing)

Ans- have been singing

4) At that time, Mr. Roy __________ poems for one month. (write)

Ans- had been writing

Activity – 9

Replaced the underlined words with their antonyms :

A) Jon has always obeyed his mother.

Ans- disobeyed

B) Jon began his first-ever sea voyage.

Ans- finished

C) He became very popular with the sailors.

Ans- unpopular

D) In Jon’s dream the seasons turned rapidly.

Ans- slowly

Activity – 10 (a)

Imagine you are out on the open sea in a boat with waves rising all around you. Would you feel scared or excited? Write a paragraph in about eighty words describing your experience of the sea voyage.


An Exciting Sea Voyage

What an exciting experience I had when I, along with some of my friends went on a sea voyage. It was on the Bay of Bengal. The coastal guard was keeping watch on us, the sea was calm and quiet when we started. But soon the sea became billowy. The guard warned us not to proceed further. But everything was out of control. We felt like getting lost in the surging waves. We were just scared. The guards came with lifeboats and rescued us. Really it was a thrilling experience of us.

Activity – 10 (b)

Suppose you had wished to perform on stage for a long time. On the occasion of your school’s annual function, you finally got a chance to do so. Write a letter to your friend describing how you felt when your wish was fulfilled.


23 N S Road


12 July, 2023

Dear Shruti,

Your letter is just to my hand. I am happy to know you are well. Now I would like to share with you my feelings which I experienced last week.

It was a long cherished dream that I could perform on the stage. You know i learnt dance from the renowned Mamata Shankar’s School. Thereafter, I learned well but I could not perform on the open stage. It was only last week, my dreams came true in our school’s annual function. In the program, I was chosen to perform. For this, I practiced day and night. Then I performed very well before a large audience. After my performance, clapping filled the hall. The anchor uttered words in praise of me. I missed you greatly at that moment. Hope to see you soon.

Your ever,


Shruti Roy STAMP

C/ O – S. Roy

Andul, Howrah

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