‘Tales Of Bhola Grandpa’ by Manoj Das – Question and Answer (S.A.Q), Class-9

This text is the edited version of Manoj Das’s shot story “Tales Of Bhola Grandpa” which is humorous in tone. Literature may be divided into two categories, tragedy and comedy. The tragedy is serious in tone, the comedy is light-hearted and humorous. The elements of humor provide us with subjects of laughter.

Here Bhola Grandpa is a man who used to forget now and then. But basically, he was a simple man. Three such stories are narrated here. On a moonlight night, while coming back from a festival the narrator saw him forgetting his grandson.

Bhola’s Grandpa was holding his grandson’s finger tightly. But when those fingers slipped he did not know. Because of others’ warning, he became conscious about the loss and let out a loud wail. However, his grandson was found under the belly of a cow.

Each Questions Mark: 1

1) Where did Bhola Grandpa live with his wife?

Ans- They lived at the western part of the narrator’s village.

2) What overshadowed Bhola Grandpa’s Hut?

Ans- A large bokal tree overshadowed Bhola Grandpa’s hut.

3) When did Bhola Grandpa let out a loud wail?

Ans- When Bhola Grandpa lost his grandson, he let out a loud wail.

4) Where had the grandson found a cosy shelter?

Ans- The grandson found a cosy shelter under the belly of a cow.

5) How old was Bhola Grandpa’s wife when he died?

Ans- When Bhola Grandpa died, his wife was eighty years old.

6) What happened to Bhola Grandpa when he was returning from a weekly market in the evening?

Ans- In the evening, Bhola Grandpa faced a Royal Bengal tiger.

7) Who roamed freely in the jungles of the Sunderbans?

Ans- Royal Bengal tigers roamed freely in the jungles of the Sunderbans.

8) What did Bhola Grandpa do when he saw the tiger?

Ans- When Bhola Grandpa saw the tiger, he instantly climbed up a nearby banyan tree.

9) Who buried the treasure in the sand dunes?

Ans- A gang of pirates buried the treasure in the sand dunes.

10) How long did the narrator’s father and others search for the hidden treasure?

Ans- They search for the hidden treasure from afternoon to past midnight.

11) What was the attitude of Bhola Grandpa and his wife towards the monkey living in the bokal tree?

Ans- They had no objection to the monkeys living in the Bokal tree.

12) At what age Bhola Grandpa left us forever?

Ans- Bhola Grandpa left us forever at the age of ninety-five.

13) Why was no real treasure found under the sand dunes?

Ans- The story of hidden treasure under the sand dunes was told by Bhola Grandpa. But actually it was seen by him in his dream.

14) What did Bhola Grandpa dream in the middy nap?

Ans- In the middy nap Bhola Grandpa dreamt of a gang of pirates who were burying a large box under one of the sand dunes on the seashore by their village.

15) What was the reason of Bhola Grandpa’s death according to his wife?

Ans- Bhola Grandpa’s wife held her husband’s forgetfulness responsible for his death. She said that Bhola Grandpa must have forgotten to breathe. So, he died.

16) Bhola Grandpa casually walked past the Royal Bengal tiger, but almost fainted when he looked at it. Why?

Ans- When Bhola Grandpa walked past the tiger, he had forgotten it existence. But when he saw it, he almost fainted out of fear.

17) What did the people usually do to protect themselves from Royal Bengal tigers?

Ans- To protect themselves from Royal Bengal tigers, the people took care to move about only in groups, particularly after sundown.

18) Why was the man on the mound bewildered much?

Ans- The man on the mound noticed the hungry tiger. He also saw Bhola Grandpa walking past the tiger but it did nothing. So, he was much bewildered.

19) What did Bhola Grandpa tell the narrator’s father in a rainy afternoon?

Ans- Bhola Grandpa told the narrator’s father that he had seen a gang of pirates hiding a large box under the sand dune.

20) Which incident shows that Bhola Grandpa was extremely imaginative in nature?

Ans- Bhola Grandpa’s extremely imaginative nature is evident from the way he presented the dream about the pirates.

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