Short Paragraphs for class – 9 | Paragraph writing skill

Here are some examples of paragraphs writing for class – 9

Short Paragraphs writing for class – IX

1) National Integrity:

A nation and its development depend much on integrity. Unity is strength. So irrespective of differences in caste, creed religion and financial status, all the people of the country should feel oneness, a sense of unity. This ensures national integrity. So for prosperity, a country must find unity in diversity. Of course, there will be some disrupting forces, trying to create a chaotic situation. But their challenges must be cool. This is the spirit of nationalism. People will live in harmony and all the citizens will be responsible for their duties. Then a country will achieve the greatest.

2) The Importance of Reading Newspaper:

The newspaper is the mirror of the world. It plays a vital role in modern civilization. Newspaper with morning tea is the ideal beginning of a day. In our country newspapers are published in many languages. It helps us to acquire general knowledge. The addition is used in the negative sense, but an addition to a newspaper is a healthy exercise. Information, knowledge, skill – everything is provided by a newspaper. A newspaper includes every kind of information – social, political, of games and sports, film industry, business and the like. Sometimes it publishes articles written by great scholars. People read newspapers for both profit and pleasure. In student life, its importance is great. It provides us with general knowledge, information about current affairs and above all practical experiences. It also helps to improve language skills. It exposes the grievances of the people and criticizes the authorities for their failure. It shapes public opinion. So for everyone of different age- groups, the newspaper offers mental nutrition.

3) Advantage of Morning Walk:

Health is Wealth’. This old proverb is ever new with its practical justification. A healthy body can only support a healthy mind. So to maintain that very health every one of us must do something. Morning walking is such a good habit. In the morning gentle walk can help one to avoid different diseases. Blood pressure will be under control, and the problem of cholesterol and blood sugar may also be solved. Close contact with nature with her calm and quiet atmosphere, light breeze, the first rays of the sun, and bird’s twittering have good effects both on mind and body. With a morning walk, we can start a day’s work positively. Independent exercise can give desired fitness for us. So, everybody should have a walk in the morning every day.

4) Students and Social Responsibility:

In childhood days, first a child goes to school to learn different kinds of lessons. At that time society provided him/ her with every kind of help to march forward. In school, a student is taught not only different subjects but also some moral lessons. So in childhood days, as a student, he/ she learns that at a later stage of life, he/she also has to take much responsibility for society. Learning properly he/she can show what is followed- feeling, what is love and care for others, especially for old and helpless people. So a student should learn to be truthful, dutiful punctual and responsible. Then society can prosper depending on such students.

5) Students and Their Duty:

Student life is the seed time of one’s life. During this one can get the chance to arrange life properly for the future. Students are considered to be the backbone of a society. Today’s students are tomorrow’s leaders. So every country gives the maximum importance to education. A country prospers when its education system is good and proper. A student has many duties to perform, and many responsibilities to shoulder. A student should learn to obey the teachers and elders. At the same time he/ she should love the juniors. Learning lessons properly is of utmost importance. He/she has to take the responsibility for the downtrodden. Then only proper development of a country comes.

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