Short Paragraphs for class – 6 | Paragraphs writing – Writing Skill

Short Paragraphs Writing for classes – 6 and 7

1) A Visit To a Place of Historical Interest

Last week I had a wonderful time in Delhi. I stayed there in my uncle’s house with my parents. Delhi has a rich historical heritage. Here I visited the Red Fort, Jama Masjid, Qutub Minar, the Parliament House, Kantar Mantar, Rajghat etc. We also visited the Taj Mahal in Agra, one of the Seven Wonders in of the world. It was built by Shahjahan in the memory of his beloved wife Mumtaj on the bank of the river Yamuna. It seemed to me sheer poetry in marble in the moonlight night and will remain imprinted in my mind forever. Delhi, the former capital of the Mughal empire is now the capital of independent India. In fact, Delhi and Agra are, as if, a bridge between the past and the present.

2) A Visit to The Zoo

Last Sunday we visited the Alipore Zoo. At the entrance, there was a long queue to buy tickets. Once inside, we were in a different world. There were various kinds of animals, birds and reptiles. It was a remarkable experience to see the lion, the king of beasts. The grece and Majesty of the Royal Bengal Tiger were fascinating. The white tiger, the deer, the swift-footed ostrich, the striped zebras and the imitating apes and monkeys amazed us. We observed the laughing hyenas, the voiceless giraffes with long necks and the camels with humps. The elephants pleased us, saluting with their big trunks. Moreover, there were snakes, reptiles and birds of different kinds and colors. The sight of the dancing peacocks with their colorful feathers filled us with wonder. At the end of the day, we returned home content and happy.

3) The Season I Like Most

There are six seasons in Bengal. Among them my favorite season is the rainy season or the monsoon. During the rains in July and August the nature of Bengal puts on a very beautiful look. There is lust greenery all around. Even the sky with thick rain clouds looks very beautiful. Rainy season has its benefits too. It helps the farmers to sow seeds for the crops in Autumn. But during the rainy season floods break out and cause misery to the people. The roads turn muddy. Yet I like this season for its freshness and beauty.

4) Your Aim In Life

I wish to be a soldier when I shall grow up. The duty of a soldier is to ensure safety and security of the people of our country. It is a challenging and noble profession. One should have to lay down even his life for guarding his country. We live in place for the service rendered by a soldier. Recently some terrorists attacked two hotels in Mumbai and killed many person. The commandoes of Indian army came forward to rescue these helpless victims of terror. The army Major S. Unnikrishnan laid down his life in a fierce gun- battle with the terrorists. I was inspired by the courage and sacrifice of these men.

5) A Book I Have Recently Read

Recently I have read ‘Pather Panchali‘. It was a novel written by the famous Bengali novelist Bibhuti Bhusan Bandyopadhyay. The novel is about a little village boy named Apu. It is a touching account of a boy’s growing up from childhood to adolescence. The child’s sense of wonder, his curiosity, and his husband of affection for his near relatives like parents, and sister are dealt with artistic perfection by the novelist. One cannot help shedding tears when one reads about the death of Apu’s dearest sister Durga. The book too, gives a very living picture of the beauty of a remote village in Bengal in minute detail. One can hardly forget such a touching book. I have seen the film made by Satyajit Ray on this story. But reading the book is altogether an unforgettable experience.

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