PARAGRAPH WRITING for CLASS – 8 | Writing Skill

“A paragraph is a number of sentences grouped together and relating to one topic; or a group of related sentences that develop a single point.”

Wren and Martin

Here are some examples of paragraphs writing for class – 8 and 9

Important Paragraph Suggestion:

Paragraph – Writing – Skill:


The National Flag stands for the identity of an independent nation. Our National Flag is the symbol of our freedom, the aims and ideals of our life. The idea of a National Flag was first taken in 1907 in Calcutta. The present shape of our National Flag was adopted on July 22, 1947. Our tri-coloured, rectangular flag has a bright saffron strip at the top. It stands for India’s ideal of sacrifice and service. The white in the middle symbolises truth, purity and peace. The colour green at the end represents strength, courage and youth. The blue Chakra in the centre stands for the wheel of life and progress. The flag is hoisted on the days of national importance. It is kept half-mast on the days of national mourning. The National Flag is very dear to us. The flag is the lamp of our liberty. We shall keep the lamp ever alright. We shall keep it flying at all costs.


The land of Lord Buddha, Sri Chaitanya and Mahavira is India – my motherland. She is an ancient, big and beautiful land. She is a rich land – rich in natural and mineral resources. The great Himalayas are standing to her north. On the other three sides, she is bounded by oceans. India is the biggest democracy and the second most populous country in the world. In her lap breathe the happy followers of different religions. India is a secular state. People belong to different cultures, creeds and languages. But from Kashmir to Kanyakumari India is one nation. A love for the native land binds people together. Sadly, a large number of the people are still poor and illiterate. But India is making good use of her human resources. She is a developing country. She will soon be a paradise of peace and prosperity on earth.


Kazi Nazrul Islam is my favourite poet. I read and recite his poems with great interest. I often quote his lines. Whenever anything weakens me I said to myself, ‘ Tell, Hero! My head is ever high.’ This very first line of the poem ‘Vidrohi‘ gives me courage and strength. Indeed, the poems of Nazrul are firey, exciting and encouraging. In ‘Vidrohi’, ‘ Kamal Pasha ‘ and other poems of ‘Agnibeena’ Nazrul comes to me as a storm, a cyclone. He was a rebel poet. He rebelled against the British oppressors. He revolted against social injustice. In all his major works – ‘Biroher Banshi’, ‘ Pralaya Shikha’ etc. – his subjects aee love, liberty, equality and fraternity. He wrote on Krishna and Karim, Goddess Kali and Allah. Nazrul was above religion. He loved man. I cannot help loving a lover of man.


We cannot always discover our inborn talents which lie within us. The school magazine plays a great role in unfolding them. It is a training ground for the budding writers. A mouthpiece of the school, it is published once in a year. For its publication articles are invited from students. Students want to see their names in print. So they invite their facilities of thinking and imagination. Poems, stories, essays, narratives etc. come out from their pens. These are edited by a group of students. Teachers help them. To write well students read a lot. This develops their ability to comprehend a topic and reflect upon it. The magazine is of greater value to its writers. Some of them will be flourished as good writer in future. The future is built upon the foundation of the present.


There are few things more pleasing than sports. In the playground, we forget our woes and worries. We enter a world of excitement and joy. We feel refreshed. But sports do not mean a mere recreation. They built the body and mould the character. Sports imply competition and struggle. To win a competition one must have courage, determination and a will to win. Sports help us acquire these qualities. Some other important virtues like discipline, obedience, self-control and a sense of fair play are cultivated in the playground. Team sports helps to build a healthy team spirit. The players play together for the success of the team. Together they celebrate a victory or lament a loss. It is true, sometimes we can’t win. But a true sportsman takes a loss or defeat sportingly. He plays well in all games of life.


An activity done at leisure only for pleasure is called hobby. My hobby is photography. I take shots of those things that are lovely and wonderful. Everybody praises my shots of a butterfly on a rose or the playing kittens. I also take interest in capturing life’s happy moments. We relive them as years go by. My mother may become impatient to smile for the camera. My restless brother may not like to sit for a shot. Days will silently slip away. Their photos will go into albums. We don’t know, how much joy these photos will give us in future. Photography is a great source of joy. It seeks permanency in an impermanent world. The photo of my father on the sea- shore may be a work of art. But my satisfaction is elsewhere. I’ve captured the ever-moving time.

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