PARAGRAPH WRITING for Class – 7 | Writing Skill

What is paragraph writing?

Ans- Paragraph writing is a manner of organising a group of closely related sentences that develop a central idea in a single passage.

How to write a paragraph?

* Give a heading to the paragraph suitable to its theme. You have to write the heading in capital letters excluding the articles and preposition.

* Start the paragraph with an introductory sentence that expresses the subject matter of discussion.

* Write short and simple sentences logically and sequentially to develop the points of the paragraph.

* Avoid repetitions of words and ideas.

* To avoid monotony, use sentences of different lengths and construction.

* Don’t use interrogative and exclamation sentences much.

* End the paragraph with a concluding sentence.

Here are some examples of paragraph writing for classes 5, 6 and 7.

Paragraph writing:

1) Celebration of Saraswati Puja in School

Saraswati Puja is celebrated in honour of the Goddess of learning, knowledge, art and music. This festival of the Hindus is celebrated in the spring season. Saraswati Puja is celebrated in our school with grandeur. The idol of the Goddess is put on a platform in the prayer hall and the prayer hall is decorated beautifully with ribbons, flowers, coloured papers and various other decorative items. After taking bath, students gather in front of the Goddess, clad in sarees and pajama – kurtas to offer flowers at the feet of the Goddess while a priest perform the puja. After the puja, Prasad is distributed among all. Khichadi and other delicious items are served for lunch. A cultural function is held in the evening and the immersion takes place the next day. Students celebrate this day of no reading and writing with great excitement and happiness.

2)My School Library

My school library is a storehouse of books. It is a big hall which is divided into sections with glass partitions . On the left- hand side of the library, there is the library counter from where books are issued. The walls are decorated with quotes and portraits of great personalities. There are numerous cupboards filled with books on various subjects. The books are arranged systematically. There is also a rack for magazines, journals and newspapers. We have a library period once every week. Library cultivates the habit of reading, develops general knowledge among the students and provides a calm atmosphere to read with utmost concentration. Our school library is a well-maintained one and is an asset of our school.

3) My Weekend Trip

Last weekend, I, along with my parents and sister went to the seaside for the first time. After packing some food and beverages, we set off for Mandermani early in the morning. On reaching the hotel, we put down our luggage, change our outfits and went straight to the beach. We enjoyed the cool breeze and played with the flying disc. We had delicious fried fishes on the beach. My sister and I swam in the sea and went picking seashells. We saw, crabs walking on the sand, children making sand castles and the sunset, which was the breathtaking view. The trip refreshed my mind and will always be etched in my memory.

4) Value of Games and Sports in Life

Sports and games play an important role in an individual’s life. It makes us learn how to maintain the physical and mental balance. It improves the concentration level as well as social and communication skills. Not being involved in any sport could lead to obesity, insomnia and cause indigestion. Sports and games bring competitive spirit as well as sportsmanship. It makes students disciplined. Sports is a very good exercise to build a sound physique. It is a good diversion from the monotonous life we usually live. It indicates a sense of co- operation, relaxes our body and mind, and improves our immunity. Thus, sports and games should be a part of our daily routine.

5) My Daily Routine

Every day except Sundays, my alarm clock goes off at half past six and I, a student of class VII wake up to begin my day. On getting up, after yawning and stretching in the warm comfort of my bed, I make my bed and brush my teeth. Then O go to the terrace to fee the birds and exercise in the fresh morning air. After coming downstairs, I prepared my lessons, take bath, have breakfast, pack my bag and leave for school at 10 o’clock. In school, I listen to my teachers alternatively and during the break time after finishing my tiffin, I play with my friends. On returning home, I have snacks and a glass of milk before going out to play. Coming back, I do my home tasks, watch TV for a while, have dinner at 9.30 pm and then go off to bed with a storybook. I read the book for a while and before going to sleep, I say my short prayer.

6) Usefulness of Trees

Trees improve man’s life in a variety of ways. They provide shade to men and are home to numerous birds, animals and insects. They absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen, without which other living beings cannot survive. Different parts of a tree like- roots, stems, leaves, fruits are used in our food. Trees are valuable natural resource. The wood of trees are used for fuel and firewood. Bamboo is used to make mats, baskets and various other items of handicrafts. Cane is used to make ropes and furniture. Trees also produce paper. They help in maintaining the ecological balance, the fertility of soil and control drought and flood. Trees also add to the natural beauty of our surroundings. We should conserve trees and plant as many as possible for our betterment.

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