PARAGRAPH WRITING for CLASS 7 and 8 | Writing Skill

Here are some examples of paragraphs writing for classes 7 and 8:

Important Paragraph Writing


God has given man a brain. With this brain, he had used science in his daily life. Today from morning to night science is with us. The gifts of science have made our lives easy and comfortable. In the morning the alarm clock rouses us from sleep. The geyser heats the water that we use. The electric heater, the gas oven or the micro oven prepare our breakfast. All these remind us of the benefits of science in our daily lives. After lunch, train buses and cars take us to schools, colleges and offices. There the electric lights, fans or other instruments and gadgets are constantly service us. The barrier of distance is being broken by the internet or the telephone. In the evening the television, the music system, and the computer entertain us. Even when we are sleeping, the refrigerator, the air- conditioner etc. are working for us. The gifts of science have enveloped our life round the clock. Without these blessings, today’s busy life will be paralysed. Life will lose its colour.


Science is the sinew of modern civilization. It has worked wonders in every branch of our life. What was once impossible is now very much possible. Now we can have our breakfast in Kolkata, lunch in Delhi and dinner in Mumbai. In a minute we can contact a friend in far America. The sky is not our limit now. We have reached the moon. Science has conquered disease, time and distance. It has given us tremendous power. And sadly, with this power in hand, man is killing man. Deadly weapons are threatening life. Machines have made life mechanical. And a mechanical life is sure to lose peace. So the lovers of peace call science a curse. But we should question man’s motives, not science. A knife can cut fruit, it can also cutthroats.


Science has given man immense power. But he is helpless to the furies of nature. Calamities like floods bring untold misery in his life. Flood means an influx of water over land areas for days together. Floods are generally caused by excessive rainfall and tidal waves. As a result of flood vast areas on either side of the rivers go underwater. Floods cause heavy damage to life and property. Huts and crops are washed away. People and cattle are rendered shelterless. Some are drowned. Famine prevails. Epidemics break out. The Government and other voluntary organisations come forward to help the victims. Measures have been taken to control the frequency of floods. River-valley projects have been made. But floods show how weak man is against Nature. They also show what man can do for man.


Air is essential to life. Air is a mixture of different gases. Any abnormal change in air components causes air pollution. Air pollution is a great threat to all living beings on Earth. Smoke contains harmful carbon- dioxide. Mills, factories and vehicles emit huge quantities of smoke every day. Burning of coal and fossil fuels also creates smoke. The presence of harmful gases in the air causes diseases like asthma, bronchitis and the deadly lung cancer. Air pollution also causes a rise in temparature. This leads to ecological imbalance. To prevent air pollution we need to plant more trees and use solar energy or smokeless coal. The Government has made laws to reduce it. But laws can not do everything. A greater awareness of the problem is necessary. Man must stand together against this problem created by man.


Sufferings are blessings in disguise. To be civilized we have destroyed forests. Deforestation has caused us much distress. Seasons have become irregular. Big areas have turned into deserts. Ecological balance has become upset. We are afflicted with pollution, drought and deluge. Sufferings make man wise. We have learnt, that to destroy forests is to destroy life itself. We have realised, that to live well we are to love trees. They play a significant role in our life. From them, we get oxygen, food, fuel, timber and medicine. They check pollution and control natural calamities. To save life on earth more tree plantation programmes are necessary. We need to plant trees on vacant, waste and wayside lands. Once we felled trees. Now we feel their importance. Our mistakes are our lessons.


Cleanliness is the practice of keeping our body, mind and environment clean. It is unfortunate that public places are made dirty by some careless man. They spit here and there and throw garbage or worthless materials in public places. This is a very bad habit. Streets, bus stops, parks even railway stations are turned dirty. Because of their dirty habits, lack of training and laziness these uncivilized men are making the surrounding ugly and unhygienic. We must keep our surroundings clean. For this public awareness should be created through mass campaign. With this, the persons who are guilty of such offence must be punished. Only such steps can make our surroundings clean, beautiful and hygienic. The cleanliness of our environment has a great effect on our mind. External cleanliness causes mental happiness. It is rightly said, ” cleanliness is next to godliness”.

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