Paragraph Writing for Class – 5 | Writing Skill

Paragraph Writing

Important suggestions for class – 5:

Paragraph Writing Skill:

1) Write a paragraph on ‘INDIA’, our motherland.


India is our motherland. It is a vast country. About one hundred crores of people live here. It has high mountains and plateaus. It has also long rivers. The Himalayas and the Vindhyas are it’s great mountain ranges. The Ganga, the Jamuna, the Brahmaputra, the Godavari are a few of its rivers. The rivers water its plains and make them fertile. It has also great forests with varieties of animals in them. It is also rich in natural and mineral resources. It is surrounded by seas and bays on three sides. Delhi is the capital of our country. We love our country, our motherland.

2) Write a paragraph on ‘The Seasons of Bengal’.

The Seasons of Bengal

There are six seasons in West Bengal. They are summer, the rains, early autumn, late autumn, winter and spring. The months of April and May are the summer months. The rains continue from June to August. After the rains, comes autumn. Early autumn begins in the months of September. Late autumn ends in the month of November. December and January are the winter months. After the cold days of winter spring comes. The months of February and March belong to this season. However, the seasons comes and go in their own way with little regard to these periodic divisions.

3) Write a paragraph describing your ‘Daily Routine‘.

My Daily Routine

Everyday I get up at half past five. Then I wash my face and have my breakfast. After that I prepared my lessons till 9 a.m. At half past nine I have my bath. I take my lunch at 10 o’clock and go to school at half past ten. After school I get back home at a quarter past four in the afternoon. Then I take some light refreshments and go to the play ground. There I play for some time with my friends. I prepare my lessons in the evening. I have dinner at nine and then I go to bed. However, my daily routine differs a little on Sundays. On those days I have some time of my own to spend happily with my friends or relatives.

Also read: Process Writing Example for class – 8 and 9 | Writing Skill | WBBSE

4) Write a few connected sentences about Your School.

My School

It is a joy to read in Baladanga Siksha Sadan. It has two grand buildings and a coverd stage. The lawns have flowers plants along their borders. We have a good library and a laboratory. We have also a nice playground. We play there under the guidance of our game- teacher. Our class-rooms are spacious and airy. About twenty two teachers are there to teach us with care and love. They are all well- qualified and trained. We observe independence Day and Republic Day in our school. Birth- days of great men are also observed befittingly. In fact, we read here to learn and enjoy ourselves.

5) Write a few connected sentences about your ‘Native Village’.

My Native Village

Natungram is the name of my native village, the village of my dream. It is in the district of Howrah. The village is small but it is beautiful. There are open fields on all sides. There are clear pools and mango groves too. The villagers are mostly farmers. They are simple. There is a primary school in our village. There are two tube wells. The villagers collect drinking water from them. To collect things of daily use there are two shops – a grocer’s shop and a stationary shop. I love my village very much.

6) Write a paragraph on ‘Trees our Great Friends ‘.

Trees our Great Friends

From the very old days trees have been our great friends. They give us shade and shelter. They also give us leaves and flowers to decorate ourselves and our houses. We get the food we eat mostly from trees. They cool the atmosphere and control rainfall. They stop erosion of soil. They also give us wood to make furniture or to use as fuel. They give up oxygen. No animal can live without it. They also give us medicine to fight diseases. In short, we do not know a better friend than the trees.

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