S.A.Q Answers From “My Own True Family” Class -10

Questions and Answers:

Important suggestion:

My Own True Family

Jed Hughes

Answer in a sentence or two:

1) Where did the child creep into?

Ans- The children crept into an oakwood.

2) Why did the child go into the oakwood?

Ans- The child went into the oakwood in search of a stag.

3) Whom did the poem meet in the oakwood?

4) How did the old woman look?

Ans- The old woman was thin and dressed in a tattered cloth.

5) When did the poet come twice awake?

Ans- The poet came twice awake when the old woman opened her bag.

6) What was kept inside the old woman’s bag?

Ans- The secret of the poet was kept inside the old woman’s bag.

7) What was the effect of old woman’s cackling on the poet?

Ans- At the cackling of the old woman the poet began to tremble.

8) How did the poet find himself after getting twice awake?

Ans- The poet found that he had been tied to a stake and a tribe of people stood staring around him.

9) Who are mentioned as the strange tribe?

Ans- The oak trees are mentioned as strange tribe.

10) What would happen if the poet fails to make a promise?

Ans- The poet will have to die if he fails to make a promise.

11) Who are chopped down and torn up?

Ans- The oak trees are chopped down and torn up.

12) How, according to the oak trees, does the poet react when oak trees are chopped down?

Ans- According to the oak trees the poet did not even blink an eyes.

13) What did the poet swear to the oak trees?

Ans- The poet swore to plant two oak trees whenever he could see an oak tree being cut down.

14) What will happen if the poet fails to plant oak trees?

Ans- If the poet fails to plant two oak trees, the black oak bark will wrinkle over him.

15) Where, according to the oak trees was the poet born?

Ans- According to the oak trees the poet was born among the oaks.

16) Where did the poet meet the old woman?

Ans- The poet met the old woman in an oakwood.

17) By whom did the poet find himself surrounded?

Ans- The poet found himself surrounded by a tribe of oak trees.

18) Where will the poet be rooted?

Ans- The poet will be rooted amid the oak trees.

19) Where did the poet dream?

Ans- The poet dreamed under a bough.

20) What altered the poet’s attitude towards trees?

Ans- The dream about the oak trees altered the poet’s attitude towards the trees.

21) Where did the poet come back from the oakwood?

Ans- The poet came back to human company from the oakwood.

22) What change did the poet observed after coming back from oakwood?

Ans- The poet observed that his heart had changed into that of a tree.

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