S.A.Q Answers From “Mild The Mist Upon The Hill” Class-9

About the Poet:

Emily Bronte was born on 30th July, 1818 in the parsonage at Thornton in Yorkshire. Her parents were Reverend Patrick Bronte and Maria Branwell Bronte. She was the fifth of their six children after Maria, Elizabeth, Charlotte and Branwell. The Bronte sisters had always been susceptible to coughs and colds and that hastened Maria and Elizabeth’s contruction of consumption and then death. In her 30th year Emily wrote only one novel ‘Wuthering Heights’. The poems, published in her lifetime, were included in one slim volume of book titled ‘Poems by Currer, Ellis and Action Bell’ Which contained also the poems from her sisters – Charlotte and Anne. She died young early in December 1848.

About the poem:

In this poem, the blue mist that surrounds the distant mountains reminds the poet of the happy days of youth and childhood that she has left behind. As she describes the landscape, she shifts from the present moment to the past, and then to the present again.

‘Mild The Mist upon The Hill’

Emily Jane Bronte

Short Questions and Answers:

1) Who wrote ‘Mild The Mist upon The Hill’?

Ans- Emily Jane Bronte wrote ‘Mild The Mist upon The Hill’.

2) Where is the mist and how is it in the poem ‘Mild The Mist Upon The Hill ‘.

Ans- The mist is mild and it is upon the hill.

3) What is the mist telling the poet?

Ans- It tells the poet that there will be no storm tomorrow.

4) What is told about the day in the poem ‘Mild The Mist upon The Hill’?

Ans- By weeping, the day has cleared off all its sorrow.

5) What does the poet wish to be?

Ans- The poet wishes to be a child again.

6) What does the poet recall in this poem?

Ans- In this poem the poet recalls the days of her youth when she was a child.

7) What is considered to be the ‘sheltering roof’ by the poet?

Ans- A fond father’s care for his daughter is, a’ sheltering roof’.

8) Where does the poet see herself when she thinks of her childhood?

Ans- When she thinks of her childhood, the poet sees herself in the protection of her father’s shelter. She finds herself near their old hall door.

9) What did the poet watch on the ‘cloudy evening’?

Ans- The poet watched the evening fall after a day of rain. She also watched blue, sweet mists of summer covering the mountain- chain in the horizon.

10) How is the mist described in the poem and what does it tell the poet?

Ans- The mist upon he hill, describes in the poem, is mild. It tells the poet that there will be no storm the next day.

11) How is the day described in the poem?

Ans- The day has wept to its heart’s content. All the store of silent sorrow gas been spent throughout the day.

12) What has the day spent?

Ans- The day has spent its store of silent sorrow.

13) Where did the poet live in her childhood days?

Ans- In her childhood days the poet lived beneath the sheltering roof of her father.

14) What does the mist upon the hill tell the poet?

Ans- The mist upon the hill tells the poet that there will be no rain the next day.

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