‘Leela’s Friend’ by R.K. Narayan Long Questions and Answers | Class – 11

‘Leela’s Friendbroad Questions and Answers for class – 11

About the Author:

R. K. Narayan is called one of India’s greatest English language novelists. He is credited with bringing Indian literature in English to the rest of the world. Narayan is one of three leading figures of early Indian literature in English, along with Mulk Raj Anand and Raja Rao. His career in writing spanned over sixty years. His works of fiction revolved around the people and their interactions in an imagined town called Malgudi. His friend and mentor was Graham Green who helped Narayan much in his first breakthrough. He is also compared with Guy de Maupassant for the style of writing in which both are able to compress the narrative without losing out on elements of the story.

About the Text:

Leela’s Friend is one of the best known short -stories of R. K. Narayan taken from his Malgudi Days. The story is about Leela and her friend Sidda. It is clear from the title Leela’s Friend. The story highlights the class – conflict between high and low prevalent in the society. The conflict continues in a society that is divided on the basis of the difference of class and culture. Sidda in the story becomes the victim of its abrupt effect. Even Leela might not be free from its Ill effects.

Each Question Mark: 5

1) What is the relationship between Mr. Sivasanker and Sidda? Trace the difference in their relationship at the beginning of the story and at the end of the story.

Ans- Mr. Sivasanker wanted a servant to work in his house. Sidda, a homeless boy was appointed. He found that Sidda was different from other servants of his tidiness. Finally, he got the consent of his wife and daughter. Sidda was obedient to his master.

He did all the household work. He was given two meals a day and four rupees a month for his service. But the master-servant relationship did not finally grow into a bond of love. One day Leela’s gold chain was found missing. Mr. and Mrs. Sivasanker suspected Sidda.

Sidda got afraid and vanished into the night. Later Leela’s gold chain was discovered in a tamarind pot. Yet Mr. Sivasanker had no compunction to send Sidda to the lock-up. Sidda suffered unjust punishment. Poor Sidda became the victim of the social system.

2) Sketch the character of Sidda in brief.

Ans- Sidda was a homeless poor boy. He belonged to the downtrodden class. He was employed as a servant in Mr. Sivasanker’s house. He was polite and obedient to his master. He washed clothes, tended the garden, ran errands, chopped wood and looked after Leela.

Amid all these household works, his prime job was to pay attention to Leela. He was always at the beck and call of Leela. He made false claims about the moon and thus misled Leela. He did all these to please her innocent mind. So he had not any bad intentions towards Leela. Sidda played with Leela patiently and stimulated her imagination. He told Leela stories and answered her questions. This he became her most trusted playmate, her role model.

3) Analyse in brief the relationship between Sidda and Leela.

Ans- Sidda and Leela are two principal characters in the story Leela’s Friend. Sidda comes from a lower strata. He is poor and homeless. He is employed as a servant in Mr. Sivasanker’s house. His job is to wash clothes, tend the garden, chop the wood, ran some errands and look after Leela. Leela is Mr. Sivasanker’s five years old daughter. Leela likes Sidda very much.

When Sidda comes first, Leela gives a cry of joy. Sidda plays with Leela, tells her stories, arouses her imagination and answers her questions. There is mutual devotion between the two. When Leela calls Sidda to play, he drops all his work.

After dinner, Sidda is to be ready with a story. His vivid imagination amazes her. This is demonstrated by Sidda’s magical stories about the moon. Day by day in this way she clung closer to him.

4) “I told you to take it off and put it in the box,” – Who is the speaker? What is spoken about in the above line? What happened when that thing was not put in the box?

Ans- Leela’s mother is the speaker.

Leela’s gold chain is spoken about in the above line.

One day Leela’s gold chain was found missing. Leela’s mother couldn’t find the gold chain that Leela wore. She noticed it one evening. Leela just returned from the market with Sidda. They went out that evening to buy sugar. Leela’s mother became angry about not finding the gold chain. She asked Leela about the missing chain. Leela replied that she knew nothing of it. Her mother gave her a slap. Thereafter she made the above Statement. And the eyes of suspicion for her missing chain fell on Sidda.

5) “They left the town, master”. – Who are they referred to here? What happened to the speaker after they left the town?

Ans- Here the word they refer to a doctor and his family. They lived in a bungalow near the market. Previously Sidda worked over there. The doctor left the town permanently and settled elsewhere.

The doctor left the town for somewhere. It was a distant place away from the town. He left permanently with his family. Sidda used to work there. He had no problem with food and lodging. Now he lost his job. He was a poor, homeless boy. He was badly in need of a shelter. He was not literate too. So he was frantically searching for his livelihood.

Incidentally, Sidda came over to Mr. Sivasanker’s house. He was just hanging about the gate. Mr. Sivasanker’s eyes then fell on him. He called him and asked a few questions. In reply, Sidda told the above Statement.

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