Important Broad Questions and Answers | From “Leela’s Friend” by R. K. Narayan

Each Question mark – 5

Leela’s Friend

R. K. Narayan

Important Questions and Answers:

1) List the ways in which Sidda’s company makes Leela supremely happy, and also how Leela attempts to educate him in turn.

AnsLeela was five – year – old daughter of Mr sivasanker. She enjoyed Sidda’s company. They would play with a red ball in the garden. Sidda wove a splendid story about the moon. Leela’s joy knew no bounds. She learnt that the ball had touched the moon. After dinner Sidda told Leela stories of animals in jungles, of god’s in heaven and of magicians. Leela listened how magicians could conjure up golden castles of little princesses and their pets. At dusk Leela used to make various attempts to educate Sidda. She commanded Sidda to write and draw. But Sidda could neither draw nor write anything. Leela felt pity for Sidda and redoubled her attempts.

2) “I have asked it to follow us about.” – Who asked to follow? Unveil the truth behind the statement.

Ans- Sidda asked the moon to follow.

Sidda and Leela used to play in the afternoon. They played with a red ball in the garden. Sidda wove a splendid story about the moon. He asked Leela that anyone could touch the moon from a coconut tree. Sidda knew the moon very well. Then Sidda took her into different places. They moved near the rose plants or to the backyard. Sometimes they came close to the well. From each place, Sidda pointed out the moon. It seemed that the moon was following them. Leela became very glad. She clapped her hands and screamed in wonder. Leela’s curiosity multiplied. Sidda let her know that he had asked the moon to follow them.

3) “I think she is angry with us.” – Who is the speaker? In what context does the speaker use to word angry.

Ans- Leela is the speaker.

One day Leela’s gold chain was found missing. Leela’s mother noticed it. Angrily she slapped Leela. The eyes of suspicion for the missing chain fell on Sidda. Leela’s mother shouted at him and spoke about the police. Sidda was afraid of the police. He vanished into the night. Leela seriously felt Sidda’s absence. She became very restless. She even refused to go to bed. She vehemently implored her mother to bring Sidda back. Her mother began to console her in many ways. Leela became very angry with her mother. She was not happy to see Sidda sleeping outside. Sidda was not allowed to sit on their chair. So, Leela thought that Sidda was angry with them.

4) “Her mother gave her a slap”. – Whom did the mother give a slap and why?

Ans- Mother gave Leela a slap.

Leela’s mother found that Leela’s gold chain was missing. That time Leela jist returned home from the market. She had been to the market with Sidda. That evening Sidda went out to buy suger. When they returned home, Leela’s mother noticed the chain missing. She asked Leela about the gold chain. Leela looked into her shirt and made a search for it. Then she replied that she knew nothing of the chain. Her mother became very angry. She didn’t think anything with patience. All of a sudden she gave Leela a slap.

5) “Leela’s face became red.” – Who was Leela? When did Leela’s face became angry?

Ans- Leela was Mr. Sivasanker’s five years old daughter.

Leela was happy with Sidda. She used to play with him in the garden. They together played with a red ball. Sidda would cast a magnificent story about the moon. Leela’s joy knew no bounds. She held a class for Sidda at dusk. She played the teacher to Sidda. After dinner Leela listened to interesting stories from Sidda. This was how Leela clung closer to Sidda. Thereafter was held a painful incident. Leela’s gold chain was found missing. Everyone suspected Sidda. Sidda being afraid vanished into the night. Later he was brought arrested by the police. He was mentally tortured by her parents. The police inspector too became very severe upon Sidda. Leela’s innocent mind couldn’t approve of it. She was very sad and her face became red in anger.

6) And all this bother account of her.” – Who is the speaker? Who is her referred to here? Why are there all this bother?

Ans- Mr. Sivasanker is the speaker.

The word her refers to Leela.

Mr. Sivasanker had all this bother on account of Leela. Mr. and Mrs. Sivasanker had some anxiety and agony. That was due to the missing gold chain that Leela wore. All eyes of suspicion fell on their servant, Sidda. Sidda was afraid and escaped ar night. More tension mounted up. The complaint was lodged with the police station. Sidda was punished even without proper evidence of theft. At last the gold chain was found in a tamarind pot. While in a playful mood, Leela once left it there. Thereafter she forgot. However, this simple mistake of little Leela made everybody harassed.

7) ” Leela felt disgusted with the whole business.” – Describe the whole business.

Ans- After the complaint to the police, Sidda was one day brought in arrested. Leela was overjoyed and ran down to meet him. She was stopped by the police inspector. The inspector further told her that Sidda was a thief. He had taken away her gold chain. Mr. and Mrs. Sivasanker asked Sidda with rough and harsh words. Leela’s face became red. She pressed again and again to release Sidda. Questions after questions were thrown upon him. But Sidda politely replied that he had not stolen. The inspector burst into a threatening tone. Leela’s parents along with the police inspector began to mentally torture Sidda. This was beyond little Leela’s tolerance. She got angry too and argued with them. These were the whole business Leela felt disgusted with.

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