“JIMMY VALENTINE” by O. Henry | Summary, Class – 11


O. Henry was the most prolific and powerful American short story writer. He is extremely popular among the readers. A broad humanism runs through his moving tales. They sparkle with wit. He is spiritually a descendant of Maupassant. He wrote about the life of ordinary people. His real name was William Sydney Porter. He took a penname O. Henry. Sometimes he misses the fineness and refinement of his master. His tears look a bit affected; his laughter lacks humor. Still he is a towering genius in the domain of short story. His strongest weapon is the abrupt ending. The very turn and twist he gives to his story is really interesting. This is his merit.


O. Henry


In a prison shoe- shop, Jimmy Valentine was stitching shoes. A guard appeared. He escorted Jimmy to the warren’s office. The warden handed him his pardon, signed by the Governor. Jimmy learnt that he would be released the next morning. The warden advised him to live honestly and not to crack safes again. Jimmy pretend that he never cracked safes. The warden reminded him to his involvement in Springfield burglary. Jimmy declared himself innocent. However, the guard took him back to the cell. The next morning Jimmy was brought again in the warden’s office. He was given a rail ticket and some money. The warden offered him a cigar too. Jimmy came out of the jail. He went straight into a restaurant. There he relished food and drink and a good smoke. Then he walked towards a depot. He boarded a train. Three hours after he got down and went to his friend Mike Dolan’s cafe. Jimmy collected the key of his room from Dolan. He went upstairs. In the floor of his room was still lying Ben Price’s collar- button. It reminded Jimmy of his fight with the police before he got arrested. Now Jimmy pulled out from the wall his suitcase. He opened it. It contained all the favorite tools of his burglary. Some of them were his own making. Decently dressed Jimmy went downstairs holding the suitcase in the hand. Mike was curious of his appearance and purpose. Jimmy told him that he was going to represent a company. The name of the fake company led Mike to a roar of laughter. Anyway, Jimmy left the cafe.

A neat burglary took place in Richmond after a week. Then two big bank burglaries occurred: one in Logansport and the other in Jefferson City. The last one reported the loss of five thousand dollars. In either case there was no clue to the wrong-doer. Now the administration became active. Ben Price was called for. The renowned detective visited the spots. Everything was clear to him. He was confirmed that Jimmy was very much in it. However, people felt assured as Ben Price was given the charge of the investigation.

In the meantime Jimmy decided to leave his present station. He came to a little town named Elmore. On the way to the hotel there he saw a lovely lady. Jimmy fell in love with her at first sight. The young lady entered Elmore Bank. Jimmy tactfully came to learn from a local boy that the young lady, named Annabel Adams, was the daughter of the owner of Elmore Bank. Jimmy went into Planter’s Hotel. He signed his name as Ralph D. Spencer. The clerk of the hotel was deeply impressed by the dress and appearance of the fashionable young visitor. The clerk, when learnt that Mr. Spencer had come to open a business at Elmore, suggested to him a lot. After a few days Mr. Spencer opened a shoe- store at Elmore. He had a great success in business. His financial rise brought about his social responsibility. He won many friends. On top of all he met Miss Adams. At the end of a year Mr. Spencer was in a position to claim her love. Mr. Adams approved of Spencer. Mr. Spencer and Miss Adams were engaged.

It was two weeks before the day of marriage. Mr. Spencer wrote a letter to his trusted friend Pal. In his letter he told him to meet him at Elmore. His purpose was to give him his dear tools forever. He didn’t forget to write about his forthcoming marriage. That he was a changed being was clear from his letter.

One night Ben Price visited Elmore. From a safe distance he saw Mr. Spencer. That Spencer was going to marry the rich banker’s daughter was known to him. The next morning, Jimmy took breakfast at the house of his would-be father-in-law. He decided to go to Little Rock to buy something for Annabel. After breakfast the whole family of Mr. Adams came to Spencer’s hotel. Spencer went into his room and brought along his suitcase. Then they went inside the Elmore Bank. Mr. Adams had imported a new vault in the bank. He was very proud of his new profession. He wanted all his relatives to have a good look at the things. Obviously, Mr. Spencer was there along with Annabel, and her married sister, and her two little daughters May and Agatha. Mr. Adams explained the workings of the vault to the visitors. In the meantime May, the elder girl, in a spirit of play had shut Agatha in the vault and turned the combination knob. Now started a huge hue and cry. Agatha’s mother screamed in terror. Mr. Adams announced that the system of unlocking the vault was unknown to him. Agatha’s mother screamed and cried frantically. Everyone was utterly confused. Agatha would die of fright. The tension mounted up. Now Miss Annabel turned to Spencer. She implored him to do something for her. Spencer realised that he he needed the help of Jimmy Valentine, his hidden self. He opened his suitcase, drew out his tools and arranged them one by one on the table. To the utter amazement of others, Jimmy got to work. Within a minute the steel door of the vault was drilled. And in ten minutes, the whole operation was complete. The bolts were broken, and the vault was opened. Agatha, almost senseless but safe came to her mother’s arms.

Now Jimmy slowly walked towards the door of the bank. He knew what was in store for him. At the door stood Ben Price. Jimmy welcomed him and was ready to give in. After the incident, his real identity was disclosed to everyone. So the presence of Ben Price did not count much to him. Now Ben Price acted rather strangely. He pretended that he knew not Jimmy Valentine. Jimmy was only Spencer to him. He strolled down the street with Jimmy looking at him, wonder-struck.

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