Important long Question and Answers From “JIMMY VALENTINE”, Class -11

About the Writer:

O. Henry is a master of storyteller. He was born in Greensboro, North North Carolina. His father was a physician. At three years of age he lost his mother and was brought up by his paternal grandmother and aunt. He was a voracious reader but left school at the age of fifteen to take up work in a medicine store. Later he moved to Houston where he had a number of jobs, including that of a bank clerk. Moving to Austin, Texas in 1882,he married and joined the Houston Post as a reporter and columnist. In 1897 he was convicted of found embezzlement although that issue was debatable. After three years of imprisonment, he was released from jail in 1901 and changed his name to O. Henry.

About the story:

“Jimmy Valentine” is a beautiful short story of O. Henry. The main character of the story is Jimmy Valentine. The whole story revolves round him. He is a top class burglar. He has matchless professional skills. He loots banks, leaving no clue. The police suspected him but hardly arrest him. Only an expert detective can spot him out. After a big bank burglary Jimmy change his address. He comes to settle in Elmore. Jimmy the burglar is transformed into Spencer, the businessman. He wins Miss Annabel’s love.


O. Henry

Important Questions and Answers Suggestion from “Jimmy Valentine”, class – 11

DS type Questions (within 100 words)

1) Describe in brief how the warden advised Jimmy for his betterment.

Ans- The warden handed Jimmy his release – order from the prison. The Government was pleased to give him pardon. The order of release was signed by the Governor. The warden gave this order to Jimmy. He asked that Jimmy was getting free in the morning. He made all necessary arrangements furnished by the state. All prisoners were entitled to those facilities during their discharge from the prison. The warden was very amicable in his talks with Jimmy. He advised him to give up all nuisance. Jimmy should love a normal life and stop cracking safes. In his opinion, Jimmy was not a bad fellow at heart. He was an innocent victim. He was sent up on the Springfield case by some conspiracy. He, therefore, advised Jimmy to build him up following the novel path.

2) “He had served nearly ten months of a four year sentence”. – Who is the person spoken to? What happened to the person?

Ans- Jimmy Valentine is the person spoken to.

Jimmy was in the prison for nearly ten months. It was a four year sentence. Jimmy had a connection with the robbery of Springfield. He was a professional burglar. He possessed some effective tools for burglary. He used his expertise and left no evidence of theft. He had made some of his tools by dint of his innovative sense. He was arrested for Springfield case. He was sentenced to jail for four years. But his span of sentence reduced to only ten months. He managed to get pardon from the Governor. The jail warden released him. Jimmy was offered a journey ticket and a sum of five dollar. Thus Jimmy left the prison.

3) “Brace up, and make a man of yourself”. – Who was the speaker? What did the speaker want to say by this?

Ans- The speaker was the jail warden.

The above statement was a piece of advice to Jimmy Valentine. The warden advised him live a normal life. Jimmy should stop burglary and cracking safes. The warden got surprised to know that such a good fellow like Jimmy got sent up on the Springfield case. In his opinion, Jimmy was not a bad fellow at heart. It was simply a mean old jury who brought false allegation against Jimmy. It might be the case of a high handed person who compelled Jimmy to compelled Jimmy to compromise. However, the warden tried to share his feelings with Jimmy, an innocent victim.

4) “Valentine walked out into the sunshine”. – What exactly happened before valentine walked out into the sunshine.

Ans- Jimmy Valentine was imprisoned for nearly ten months.

It was a four year sentence. But Jimmy managed his pardon shortly within ten months. The jail warden gave Jimmy the singing copy of the Governor’s order. He was also provided with a rail- ticket and a sum of five dollar. It is furnished by the state so that the prisoner might begin his life afresh. Jimmy was also given readymade clothes and a pair of shoes. The warden wished him with a cigar and shook hands. Jimmy bade them good bye and came out of the prison. Then he walked into the sunshine and felt the sweet joy of liberty.

5) “The state furnishes to its discharged compulsory guests”. – Who are guests referred to here? What is compulsory by the state for these guests.

Ans- The prisoners are the guests referred to here.

The state furnishes suitable arrangements for the prisoners. The prisoners receive certain benefits from the jail authority. This is compulsory for all prisoners during their release from the jail. The prisoners are provided with the journey ticket and a sum of five dollar. They are also given some readymade clothes and a pair of shoes. This is how the prisoners after their release from the jail begin life afresh. They brace up themselves following the path of virtues. So the state provided these benefits to the prisoners.

6) What did Valentine do immediately after his release from the prison?

Ans- Jimmy Valentine came out of the prison. He walked into the sunshine. Nature outside looked gay and delightful. There were green trees full of sweet smell of the flowers. Bird’s song all over sweetly. He perfectly felt the first sweet joys of liberty. He paid no head to them. He headed straight for a restaurant. He enjoyed with a broiler chicken and a bottle of white wine. He lit a cigar better than that of one given by the warden. Thereafter he came out and saw a blind beggar at the door of the restaurant. He dropped a quarter penny into his hat and boarded the train.

7) Sketch the character of Jimmy Valentine?

Ans- Jimmy Valentine is the main character in the story. Jimmy is a notorious burglar. He has extraordinary expertise. He has invented many a tool of burglar. He works alone. He can easily make friends in a high society. He was a lover of decent dress and good food. He is amiable and sociable. He can well read the situation. He has great intelligence. He hardly leaves any clue to his crime. Only Ben Price known his habits. Jimmy has an impressive presence. He wins the hearts of the banker and his daughter. Jimmy and Annabel are engaged. He dreams of a happy future. A thief is converted into a feeling being. But the finest trait of his character is his profound love for his sweetheart. In honour of her love he risks to save the life of Agatha. This extraordinary humanness makes Jimmy most loving personality.

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