Important Paragraphs writing for class – 11 | Paragraph Writing Skill

Here are some examples of paragraphs writing for class 11 and 12

Paragraph writing:

1) The Wonders of Modern Science:

The modern age is the age of science. Scientific discoveries and inventions have revolutionised our life. Science is at the root of our progress. Modern science works wonder in every sphere of our life. Science has given us speedy transport. It diminishes distance. Car, buses, trains and aeroplanes can carry us safely to the remotest part of the globe within a very short time. Electricity is another gift of modern science. It has made our home life comfortable and enjoyable. Electricity drives our machines. It can help us to produce most of the things we need. Telephone, Telegraph and Mobile Phone have killed time. Radio, Television, Cinema, Smart Phone, and Computers are some of the finest inventions of modern science. Another exploit of modern science is space travel. During astronauts are exploring the space. Again, science has immensely improved the medication. Man has been able to find wonderful cured for many fatal diseases. Science has thus saved innumerable lives from premature death. Now we can level down mountains and dig tunnels through them. Dams have been built and bridges and sky-scrappers have been constructed. Science can be used both for good and evil. It is our duty to use science only for the good of the mankind. We must not forget the supreme value of human life, human blood and human dignity.

2) Impact of Reading Literature:

The word Literature means literally letters. For this reason learn men are called man of letters. Reading of literature is important for us, for it gives valuable insight into various aspects of life. It inculcates in us the power of reasoning. As Francis Bacon said ” Read not to contradict and confuse, nor to believe and take for granted, nor to find talk and discourse, but to weigh and consider.” The great literary works of great authors have profoundly enriched our minds throughout the ages. Religious literatures provide strength and inspiration to us. They are indeed masterpieces of art. The classics of William Shakespeare, Rabindra nath Tagore, Leo Tolstoy, Munshi Premchand and so on enriched us with a wealth of knowledge and roused our emotions like love, sympathy, pity and mercy. Besides knowledge, we get endless aesthetic pleasure from novels poetry and drama. Unfortunately, the youth of today does not read literature other than text – books. Now- a – days reading literature is replaced by television, cinema, Smart phones and internet. Literature has no substitute. It is essential for the cultivation of human values. Present generation thinks that only study of science is necessary for fulfilling material requirements. Without the study of literature man will soon become a robot. He may even forget to laugh and shed tears and love children. He is likely to become abnormal.

3) Terrorism:

Terrorism means use of violence and intimidation to achieve a specific purpose. It is one of the serious problems faced by the society today. Individuals or groups resort to violent actions to elicit support from the people. They force to Government to yield to their demands. Terrorism is undoubtedly, the worst heinous crime against humanity. Blowing up of planes and railway bridges, explosion of passenger – buses, attacking different hotels and resorts are all instances of cruel terrorist activities. The terrorist organisations like Laskar- e – Taiba, Jaish- e – Mohammad, Al- Quida, Huji etc. have spread their tentacles everywhere. Terrorism activities bring normal life to a stand still. The economy of a country suffers a great set- back in the absence of a congenial atmosphere. We can see that the tourism industry in Kashmir is badly affected because of the terrorist activities. To fight terrorism, all the political parties should shed their vested interest and join hands to put an end to this menace. The Government should start dialogue with the disgruntled groups to ascertain the justness of their grievances. Gearnering public support and creating awareness among the people is a key way to thwart the evil designs of the terrorists.

4) The Involvement of Students in Politics:

Students are the backbone of the society. To any situation they provide the freshness of vision, the idealism of youth and the courage of the intrepid. In an evolving society the involvement of students in politics is very important to keep the balance of power intact. However, it is very important to remember that a student’s primary responsibility is to pursue his/ her higher education. It is education that will shape their minds and channelize their energy, making them responsible citizens of the world. So, if involvement in politics come at the cost of that education, if it compels a student to compromise on that score, the entire purpose is defeated. Very often, in the newfound freedom of a college education, students get waylaid into thinking that their role in resisting the establishment is superior to their role as a student. And consequently they squander valuable months – and sometimes years – in pursuing political goals at the cost of their education. It is the responsibility of parents and teachers to ensure that a student is grounded in his/her identity as the foundation on which the future of the nation will be built. If this responsibility is clear in the student’s mind, his/ her involvement in national politics during the student years will find its rightful place in his/her life.

5) Dignity of Labour:

All work is noble. There are no alternative to hard work. Man works hard to feed himself. Labour is the most inevitable factor of existence. Again labour is the source of wealth. Labourers all over the world produce wealth by means of sweat, tail and tears. If labourers refuse to work one day, the human society will be at stake. The civilization will topple down like a house of cards. A thing so basic, so vital cannot be a humiliating one. Labour is dignified. Manual labour is at the root of all progress. Intellectual works run side by side. If renders services to the people at large. By work and not by faith alone, is man to be saved. The highest intellectual life is possible only when it is firmly based on manual labour.

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