Important Paragraphs writing for class – 10 | Paragraph Writing Skill

Here are some paragraphs writing for classes 9 and 10

Paragraphs writing:


Pollution is one of the greatest threats to our environment in the 21st century. Pollution means poisoning of the environment. When our environment becomes hostile and harmful, for ourselves, the condition is labelled as pollution. Pollution is entirely a man-made problem. Pollution can be broadly divided into four categories – air pollution, water pollution, land pollution and sound pollution. The air is constantly being polluted by smoke from factories and by carbon monoxide (CO) and other poisonous gases emitted by motor vehicles. Air pollution causes diseases of the lungs like asthma, TB, and SARS. Even the ground we walk on – in both urban and rural areas is polluted by uncollected garbages and plastics. Water is also being polluted by chemical wastes, oil, fertilizer arsenic and particularly as a result of untreated sewage, which kills aquatic creatures like fishes and plants. Microphones car – horns, sound systems and crackers cause sound pollution leading to deafness and nervous disorder. The best way to curb pollution is to plant trees and care for them. Throwing garbages everywhere must also be controlled in order to fight pollution on the land. To fight the pollution of water, sewage treatment plants must be built. We also must see that industrial effluents are not released directly into the rivers. Above all, we all should join hands in maintaining the ecological balance.


Of late, Sound pollution has adversely affected our normal life in a major way. It is chasing us in almost every step. In schools, colleges, offices and even in hospitals we have an explosion of deafening sound. There are many causes of sound pollution. We are almost deafened by the blaring Mike’s or the record players which are often played in full volume. Secondly, we have noise pollution caused by various groups of people shouting out their slogans or the impatient automobiles always honking their horns. During some social and religious festivals crackers are burst indiscriminately. In recent times laws have been passed to take effective steps to control the sound pollution.


The Ganga is the longest river of India covering 2525 km. But unfortunately, at present this major river in India is being polluted. In some areas the measure of dissolved oxygen is less than four mg, whereas the minimum requirement is six mg per litre. The stretch of the river flowing from Bansberia to Birlapur in West Bengal, is the worst polluted. As a result there is a fall in the growth of fish. There are 48 class I towns and 66 class II towns on both sides of the Ganga. The untreated sewage of all these towns is released into the river Ganga. Moreover, the industrial effluents are also responsible for the pollution of this river. Fortunately, the Ganga Action Plan has been formulated by the Central Ganga Authority. About 37 crores of rupees have been earmarked for controlling the pollution of the Ganga in West Bengal. But people must be aware of their responsibilities.


Global Warming means a worldwide rising of the average atmosphere temperature. The main reason behind this rise in temperature is the emission of greenhouse gases like carbon – dioxide and methane. Burning of fuels in cars and factories results in the emission of harmful gases in the air. Cosmic – Oriented research work and test – the fire of atom – booms are also the causes of Global Warming. The ozone layer of the earth is depleted by cosmic research resulting in the warning of the atmosphere. As a result of the rise in the temperature polar ice-caps and ice – berge melt down and the water level in seas and rivers swells. There is a grim possibility that sea and riverside cities in the world may be destroyed and submerged sooner or later due to this rising of the water – level. Natural disasters like Tsunami, earthquake may also result from Global Warming.


Child labourers are posing a grave problem before India. Recently, many campaigns have been organised against child labour. When children below sixteen years are employed in factories, hotels, restaurants, tea – stalls and motor garages, they can be labelled as child labourers.

It is the extreme poverty of parents that leads children to earn at a minor age. The illiteracy of parents are also responsible for this evil. Many work as servants in middle-class and upper-class households. There are a few households that provide their child servants with adequate food and clothing. They are deprived of education and the normal joyous experiences of childhood. The government is indifferent to this problem and common people lack awareness in guarding against this social crime.

For the solution of this problem we need a thorough economic reform and the spread of literature. It is essential to wipe out this shameless practice still prevalent in our country. Strict laws should be framed against the employment of child labour. Finally, people should be made aware of this evil through the launching of mass awareness programme.

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