Important Notice Writing for class – 10 | Writing Skill

Notice Writing for classes – 9 and 10

1) As the secretary of the Eco-Club of your school write a notice (In about 80 words) requesting the students to participate in the ‘TREE PLANTATION PROGRAM ‘ of your school. Get the notice countersigned by the Head of the Institution.



Bagmari, Kolkata

5th August, 2023


The students of Bagmari Mohan Academy are hereby informed that the Eco-club of our school is going to organize a Tree Plantation program in our school on 5th August, 2023. Fifty saplings will be planted all around our school compound. The students of each unit of the school will maintain these saplings for the next year. All the students are requested to participate in this program.

B. M. Academy

Amit sen


Eco- Club, Bagmari Mohan Academy

2) Imagine that you are the secretary of a club that offers social services to local people. Write a notice on behalf of your club to inform the public that an ‘Eye Treatment Camp’ will be run by you for a given period. A specialist will conduct the treatment program.



23rd July, 2023

The kind attention of everyone concerned is drawn to the fact that Kalyan Samity, Jalpaiguri, keeping its promise to render social service, is going to conduct an ‘Eye Treatment Camp’ in its premises from 1st August to 5th August, 2023. The patients, having problems in the eye will be treated free of cost. The noted ophthalmologist Dr. R. K. Roy has kindly consented to conduct the camp. The camp will remain open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. everyday during the period. Interested persons are requested to meet the undersigned for further details.

Arnab Banerjee


Kalyan Samity

3) As the group captain of the Educational Tour Team of your school, write a notice participant in the next tour. Tell them about the – time and place of assembly; things that they should have in their kits; date and time of return; inoculation certificates needed. Sign your notice at the bottom and make a space for it to be countersigned by your Headmaster/Headmistress.



25th July, 2023


Students of our school are hereby informed that the next educational tour to Murshidabad has been slated for the 10th August, 2023. It will be a three-day tour. The party will start by bus at 7 a.m. on 10.08.2023 from the school gate and is expected to return to the school premises at about 9 p.m. on 13.08.2023. Those willing to join the tour are requested to assemble at the school premises within 6 a.m. on the scheduled date. They are requested to take their clothes, toothpaste, toothbrush, soap, water bottle, torch light and other essentials for daily use. It should be noted that they must submit their applications together with inoculation certificates for cholera to the undersigned by the 7th August, 2023.

Countersigned by The Headmaster/Headmistress

Bijoy Ganguly

Group Captain

Educational Tour Team

Coochbehar High School

4) Your school has selected you to the editor of your school magazine to be published in December. Now write in about 75 words a notice asking the students to submit manuscripts written legibly on one side of paper. (The notice should contain: the last date for submission of manuscripts, topics, no. of words, whom to submit, etc.)



25th July, 2023

The students of this school are hereby informed that our school magazine Bartika will be published sometime in December. Interested students are directed to submit original and creative articles, essays, poems, etc. to the undersigned without the 10 Noby, 2023. They should note that the manuscripts must be written legibly on one side of the paper, and the writings must not exceed 500 words.

Countersigned by the Headmaster

Sujoy Bose


Magazine Committee

5) As a secretary of Agrani Sangha write a notice to the members. Tell them about – Garbage Cleaning Operation in your locality – to be held on 12.08.2023, the things they should have with them, how long the operation may continue, etc.



To: All the members

Of Agrani Sangha

6th August, 2023

The members of the club are hereby informed that our club is going to organize a Garbage Cleaning Operation in this locality on 12.08.2023. Everyone is aware of the importance of keeping the locality clean.

All the members are, therefore, requested to assemble in the club compound just at 7 a.m. and set to work sweeping the drains and the streets of the locality. They should bring with them broom, bucket, spades, phenyl and bleaching powder. The cleaning operation is likely to continue for about three hours.

It is expected that every member of the club will heartily respond to the request.

Manoj Banerjee


Agrani Sangha

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