Important Short Questions and Answers From “FATHER’S HELP”| Class- 10

Father’s Help

R. K. Narayan

Answer in a sentence or two:

1) Where was Swaminathan when he realized that it was Monday morning?

Ans- Swaminathan was in bed when he realized that it was Monday morning.

2) How did Swami feel when he realized that it was Monday morning?

Ans- Swaminathan shuddered when he felt that it was Monday morning.

3) What did Swaminathan realize with a shuddered?

Ans- Swaminathan realized with a shudder that it was Monday morning.

4) When did Swami wailed that he had a headache?

Ans- Swami wailed that he had a headache when it was nine o’clock in the morning.

5) Where was Swaminathan expected to be at 9.30 a.m.?

Ans- At 9.30 a.m. Swaminathan was expected to be in the school.

6) What did Swami’s mother suggest listening about his headache?

Ans- After listening about his headache Swaminathan’s mother suggested that he could stay at home.

7) Where was Swami laying without going to school?

Ans- Swami was laying on a bench in his mother’s room.

8) What did Swami’s father ask him to do?

Ans- Swami’s father asked him to dress up and to go to school.

9) Why, according to his father, did Swami suffer from headaches on Mondays?

Ans- According to Swami’s father Swami suffers from headaches on Mondays because he loafs about a lot on Sundays.

10) Why did Swami change his tactics?

Ans- Swami change his tactics because he knew that his father was very strict.

11) Why was Swami unwilling to go late to Samuel’s class?

Ans- Swami was unwilling to go late in Samuel’s class because Samuel got specially angry with the boys who came late.

12) What did Swami’s father propose to do?

Ans- Swami’s father proposed to write a letter to the headmaster.

13) When did Swami’s father complete writing the letter?

Ans- Swaminathan’s father completed writing the letter to the headmaster when Swami got ready to go to school.

14) About whom did Swami’s father write ‘ plenty of things ‘?

Ans- Swami’s father wrote ‘ plenty of things’ about Samuel.

15) Where was the letter written by Swami’s father put?

Ans- The letter written by Swami’s father was put inside an envelope.

16) Whom did Swami’s father send the letter?

Ans- Swami’s father sent the letter to the headmaster.

17) What did Swami feel about himself while going to school?

Ans- While going to school Swami felt that he was the worst boy on earth.

18) What bothered Swaminathan on his way to school?

Ans- Swaminathan’s conscience bothered him on his way to school.

19) Why was Swaminathan anxious about his father’s letter?

Ans- Swaminathan was anxious about his father’s letter because he thought that it would lead Samuel into trouble.

20) Where did Swaminathan stop to make up his mind about Samuel?

Ans- Swaminathan stopped on his way to school to make up his mind about Samuel.

21) What did Swami recall about Samuel?

Ans- Swami recalled Samuel’s dark face, thin moustache, unshaven cheek and yellow coat.

22) How did Swami feel about Samuel on his way to school?

Ans- Swami felt sad for Samuel on his way to school.

23) When did Swami decide to give the letter to the headmaster?

Ans- Swami decided to give the letter to the headmaster when the school was over.

24) What was Samuel doing when Swami reached school?

Ans- When Swami reached school Samuel was teaching arithmetic.

25) How much late was Swami in reaching school?

Ans- Swami was half an hour’s late in reaching school.

26) What did Samuel tell about Swami’s father?

Ans- Samuel told they needed more parents like Swami’s father.

27) Where did Swami run when the school was over?

Ans- Swami ran to the headmaster’s room when the school was over.

28) How long was the headmaster on leave?

Ans- The headmaster was on leave for a week.

29) What did Swaminathan find in the headmaster’s room?

Ans- Swaminathan found that the headmaster’s room had been looked at.

30) What did Swami’s father tell him when he tore the letter?

Ans- Swami’s father told him not to complain about Samuel in future as he tore the letter.

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