Important Short Questions and Answers From “FABLE” Class -10

About the Author:

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Birth: May 25, 1803, Boston, USA.

Education: Harvard Divinity School

Famous Book: ‘ Concord Hymn’, ‘Brahma’, ‘Collection of Essay’s’ etc.

Death: April 27, 1882

About the poem:

The mountain and the squirrel are quarrelled. The mountain called the squirrel a small prig. The squirrel replied that the mountain was undoubtedly big but all big things like a year and a sphere were but the sum total of small things. So squirrel was not ashamed of his smallness and position because everything in nature had a place and function. The squirrel could not make a squirrel track like the mountain or carry a forest on its back. But, on the other hand, the mountain could not crack a small nut like the squirrel.


Ralph Waldo Emerson

Important suggestion:

Questions and Answers:

1) Who had a quarrel with the squirrel?

Ans- A mountain had a quarrel with the squirrel.

2) What is not a disgrace to the squirrel?

Ans- Occupying his own place as a small creature is not a disgrace to the squirrel.

3) What is it that the squirrel doesn’t deny?

Ans- The squirrel does not deny that the mountain can make a pretty squirrel track.

4) Between whom was there a quarrel?

Ans- There was a quarrel between the mountain and the squirrel.

5) What did the mountain call the squirrel?

Ans- The mountain called the squirrel little prig.

6) Who is referred to as ‘former’ in the poem?

Ans- The mountain is referred to as ‘former’ in the poem.

7) What appears doubtless to the squirrel?

Ans- It appears doubtless to the squirrel that the mountain is big.

8) What must be taken together to make a year?

Ans- All sorts of things and weather must be taken together to make a year.

9) What thing other than a year is created by taking together all sorts of things?

Ans- A sphere is created by taking all sorts of things together.

10) Why is not occupying his place a disgrace to the squirrel?

Ans- Because he thinks that everything in nature has particular place and function.

11) What does the squirrel think about occupying his place?

Ans- The squirrel thinks that occupying his place is not a disgrace.

12) How is the squirrel track?

Ans- The squirrel track is very pretty.

13) What can not the squirrel deny?

Ans- The squirrel can not deny that the mountain can make a pretty squirrel track.

14) Who is not half as energetic as the squirrel?

Ans- The mountain is not half so energetic as the squirrel.

15) What does squirrel think about talents?

Ans- Squirrel thinks that talents differ from person to person.

16) Who makes the squirrel track?

Ans- The mountain makes the squirrel track.

17) Where does the mountain carry forests?

Ans- The mountain carries forests on its back.

18) What is the mountain unable to do?

Ans- The mountain is unable to crack a nut.

19) What is the squirrel unable to do?

Ans- The squirrel is unable to carry a forest on its back.

20) Who is referred to the ‘little prigin the poem?

Ans- The squirrel is referred to the ‘little prig’ in the poem.

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