DS Type Questions and Answers from “THE SICK ROSE” | Class – 11 | WBCHSE


Questions and Answers for class – 11

Important suggestion:


– William Blake

DS type Questions and Answers:

Each Question mark – 5

1) Explain the relationship between the rose and the worm.

Ans- The Sick Rose deals with the death of a rose by the fatal attack of the worm. The relationship between the two is bitter. But it is not so in the beginning. The rose entices the worm with its beauty and fragrance. The worm gets a joyous entry into the rose. Now the secret relation develops. The rose knows not the nature of the visitor. The worm bites the rose. The rose bleeds. The worm sharpens its attack. The relationship claims the sad sacrifice of the rose. Symbolically the rose is the embodiment of beauty and the worm stands for sexuality. Its suggests any moral taboo on the life of love that stains love and its relation. And the net outcome is the destruction of love, innocence and purity.

2) What is the effect of the worm on the rose?

Ans- The rose is noted for its beauty and purity. It attracts the worm. The worm comes flying on the dark stormy night. It seeks shelter in the rose. The rose allows it. At once start the process of destruction. The rose suffers the sharp bite of the worm. It is now helpless. It sickens. It loses its luster. The dark, secret love of the worm entangles the rose completely. The sick rose groans. It can’t shake off the fatal grip of the foul worm. The illicit love, the secret sexual hunger of the rose encourages the worm. Eventually, the rose meets with a tragic death.

Also read: Activity Questions and Answers from “CLOUDS” | Class – 8 | WBBSE

3) Write a critical appreciation of Blake’s poem ‘The Sick Rose’.

Ans- The Sick Rose is a fine lyric. It illustrates a complex imaginative idea. The poem conjures up the vision of the rose assaulted by a worm. The sickening rose and the joyous worm are two contrasting shades of life. They may imply the destruction of love by jealousy, of innocence by experience and of spiritual life by spiritual death. Again, they may refer to the Fall of Man. Anyway, the poem appeals to us for its lilting music, fineness of images and brevity. The expressions howling storm, crimson joy etc are the finest gems of poetry. The poem follows the rhyme- scheme of ABCB. The poem is indeed an excellent piece of subjective poetry.

4) Justify the title of the poem The Sick Rose.

Ans- The title of the poem clearly states its theme. The theme is the death of a rose. The rose is the emblem of beauty and joy. But it has fallen sick. An evil worm has entered into it. It’s venomous contact makes the rose wither and droop. The rose had generously given the worm shelter in its bed. It did not know the destructive design of the intruder. Now the worm has completely possessed her. The poet is distressed to see the tragedy of the rose. Symbolically it suggests the fall of Man and the rose stands for innocence. The title highlights the theme. So it is a fine choice.

5) What is the effect of the rose on the worm?

Ans- The blooming beauty of the rose entices the worm. Its fragrance draws the worm out of its secret hiding place. So strong is the attraction as the worm cares not the howling storm. The passive surrender of the rose encourages the worm to tighten its tie. The worm enjoys the rose. It bites it more and more. The foul creature finally succeeds in fulfilling its malignant motive. The rose meets a tragic end while the worm relishes its success. Thus is perished innocence or beauty or love. The worm has dark secret love towards the rose. The rose indulges it. Obviously, the worm gets a booster.

6) Discuss ‘The Sick Rose’ as a Song of Experience.

Ans- Blake believes life has three stages. They are Innocence, Experience and Higher Innocence. Innocence is a state of joy and liberty, courage and bliss. Experience is full of grief and cruelty, tears and treachery. The rose belongs to the state of experience. It comes in touch with the wicked worm. The worm starts poisoning it from within. It looks stick, losing its luster. The worm finds devilish delight by ruining something so sweet and pure as the rose. The rose suffers the pain as it loses the innocence of childhood. The rose thought the secret love of the worm would bring pleasure. But it finds that the worm has tricked it. Now the rose can only meet with death.

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