Complete Textbook Exercise Solve from “MILD THE MIST UPON THE HILL” | Class – 9


Textbook Exercise Solve from “MILD THE MIST UPON THE HILL”, class – 9

Textbook Exercise:


– Emily Jane Bronte


Tick the correct answer from the given alternatives:

1) The most was upon the –

A) grass

B) root

C) hill ✓

D) leaf

2) The sorrow of the day is described as –

A) silent ✓

B) terrible

C) overshadowing

D) little

3) The hall door mentioned in the poem is –

A) new

B) large

C) broken

D) old ✓

4) The poet watches the cloudy –

A) morning

B) evening ✓

C) afternoon

D) night

5) The colour of the most is –

A) grey

B) white

C) yellow

D) blue ✓

6) The damp stands on the –

A) wall

B) floor

C) bush

D) grass ✓


Answer the following questions within twenty-five words:

1) Where does the poet see herself when she thinks of her childhood?

Ans- When she thinks of her childhood, the poet sees herself in the protection of her father’s shelter. She finds herself near their old hall door.

2) What did the poet watch on the ‘cloudy evening’?

Ans- The poet watched the evening fall after a day of rain. She also watched blue, sweet mists of summer covering the mountain chain in the horizon.

Also read: Complete Textbook Exercise Solve from “ALL SUMMER IN A DAY” | Class – 9 | WBBSE


Identify the following sentences as simple, compound and complex :

i) He is too short to climb the wall.

Ans- Simple sentence (one principle clause)

ii) The sky was blue and the sun shone bright.

Ans- Compound sentence (two principle clause)

iii) The old man who lived in a village believed that the earth was flat.

Ans- Complex sentence (one principle clause and two subordinate clauses)

iv) Leaving a job midway is not a good practice.

Ans- Simple sentence (one principle clause)

v) Last week I met a friend who gave me a bag which is brown in colour.

Ans- Complex sentence (one principle clause and two subordinate clauses)


Do as directed:

i) The question was so easy that everyone could answer it. (Change into a simple sentence)

Ans- The question, being very easy, everyone could answer it.

ii) A friend in need is a friend indeed. (Change into a complex sentence)

Ans- A friend who is in need is a friend indeed.

iii) Pollution is one of the most severe threats to our beautiful planet. (Change into a compound sentence)

Ans- there are many very sever threats to our beautiful planet and pollution is one of them.

iv) Do or die. (Change into a complex sentence)

Ans- Of you do not do it, you will die.

v) He was confused and stopped working. (Change into a simple sentence)

Ans- Being confused, he stopped working.


Write a letter within 100 words to the Headmaster/Headmistress of your school seeking leave of two days for the purpose of attending the marriage ceremony of your elder sister.



The Headmaster,

Tarakeswar High School

Tarakeswar, Hooghly

Sub – Leave application


With due respect, I, Anamika Sharma, a student of class IX of your school want to pray for a leave of two days, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. The marriage ceremony of my elder sister is tomorrow. So I want to stay at home for these two days to attend the ceremony.

I shall be grateful to you if you grant me the leave.

With regards,

Yours obediently,

Anamika Sharma

Class – IX, Roll No.- 5

15th September, 2023


Suppose you had bought a book from a bookstore. By mistake, you left it there instead of bringing it back with you. Providing details of the book and its author, write a letter within 100 words to the owner of the store to find the book and keep it until you come to collect it.



The Proprietor,

M/s C. K. Bookstore

College Street, Kolkata

Sub – Enquiry about a book


With due respect, I Dip Sarkar, want to inform you the following things.

Last Monday, i.e., 18th August, I bought a copy of ‘The Visionary Company’ by Harold Bloom from your shop. However, I left the store without taking the book.

Under these circumstances, kindly keep it with you until I go to your shop next week. Hope, you will not dishearten me.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

Dip Sarkar

20 August, 2023

Serampore, Hooghly

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