Activity Questions and Answers from “THE RIDDLE” | Class – 7 | WBBSE

Questions and Answers for class – 7

Textbook Activity:


Activity – 7

Answer the following questions:

1) What were the things that the great Emperor Akbar loved?

Ans- The great Emperor Akbar loved arts, sciences, literature and music.

2) Why did Akbar not have peace in mind?

Ans- Akbar did not have peace in mind because a riddle was troubling him.

3) What was the problem presented by the man from the audience?

Ans- The man from the audience claimed that his neighbour had sold him his well. But when he wanted to draw water from the well, his neighbour wanted to charge him money for it. This was the problem.

4) How did Birbal solve the problem?

Ans- Birbal asked the neighbour to give rent for keeping water in the other’s well. The neighbour understood the meaning and withdraw his claim. Thus the problem was solved.

Activity – 8

* Identify the words from the text which are the synonyms of the following words:

Ans- Words Synonyms

1) Confused puzzled

2) demand claim

3) argument dispute

4) Surprised amazed

Also read: “THE RIDDLE” Activity Questions and Answers | Class – 7 | WBBSE

Activity – 9

Complete the following sentences with the proper degree of adjectives:

A) Shiela has the _______ (long) hair in the class.

Ans- longest

B) Mr. Ghoshal is ________ (busy) than Mr. Patnayak.

Ans- busier

C) We should be _________ (careful) in our speech.

Ans- more careful

D) Shenawaz is as ________(thin) as Pralay.

Ans- thin

E) The owl is considered as the ________ (wise) of all.

Ans- wisest

F) His house is ________ (far) away from my house than Sanjeev’s.

Ans- farther

Activity – 10

Fill in the blanks with either Present continuous Tense or Past Continuous Tense:

A) It ________ (rain) now.

Ans- It is raining now.

B) Dr. Manmohan Singh ________ (visit) Kolkata today.

Ans- Dr. Manmohan Singh is visiting Kolkata today.

C) Hari ________ (study) at 9 pm yesterday.

Ans- Hari was studying at 9 pm yesterday.

D) The boys _________ (play) in the field now.

Ans- The boys are playing in the field now.

E) Rahim __________ (talk) to his friend when his mother called him.

Ans- Rahim was talking to his friend when his mother called him.

Activity – 11

Suppose your friend asks you to solve a riddle and you didn’t know the answer to it. Write a dialogue in about 75 words based on the conversation that you had with your friend:


Sunil: Hello Rohit, what’s going on?

You: Nothing serious. Just having a crack at this crossword.

Sunil: Good to see that you like puzzles. Well, here is a riddle for you.

You: What’s the riddle?

Sunil: Well, tell me when two and two will make five.

You: Yes, that’s really a question that can puzzle one.

Sunil: Think it over and give the answer.

You: Oh, no! It will drive me mad!

Sunil: Why are you talking this so seriously?

You: No, it’s beyond my ability. I surrender.

Sunil: it’s very simple – two and two will make five when you commit a mistake.

You: (With a loud laugh) You have made a real fool of me!

Activity – 12

Try to write a story that you may have heard before using the following points (in about 80 words):


The Clever Fox and the Foolish Crow

A crow was flying for a long time and became very hungry. He searched for food everywhere. Ultimately he found a bit of meat. With it he flew to a tree. A clever fox saw this. Standing below the tree, he asked the crow to sing a song saying that he was a great admirer of the crow’s song. The crow started to sing and the meat fell from his beak. The fox took it and ran away. The crow flew away sadly in search of more food.

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