Activity Questions and Answers from “CLOUDS” | Class – 8 | WBBSE


Questions and answers from ” CLOUDS” (Unit – III) Class – 8:

Textbook Activity solved:


– Intizar Hussain

Activity – 6

Fill in the chart with information from the text:


i) The boy was open-mouthed.i) It had not rained for ten years in the place where old man once lived.
ii) The earth was damp underfoot.ii) The clouds had shed rain and gone away during his absence.
iii) The boy hurried home.iii) He wanted to see how fresh and clean the jamun tree looked.
iv) When he got home, he saw everything had changed.iv) The jamun tree stood clean and scrubbed, freshly showered.

Activity – 7

Answer the following questions in complete sentences:

A) What did the old man say about the place where he once lived?

Ans- The old man said that once he lived in a place where it had not rained for ten years.

B) How did the boy feel as he reached the mud hut?

Ans- As he reached the mud hut, the boy felt a nip in the air and the earth was damp underfoot.

C) What did the boy do as he stood under the jamun tree?

Ans- The boy stood under the jamun tree and let the raindrops fall on his head and face from the leaves of the tree.

D) Why did the clouds shed rain in the absence of the boy?

Ans- It is a natural phenomenon that the clouds come in the sky and they shed rains. It is futile to search for the clouds at particular place. So shedding rain in absence of the boy, the clouds prove truth.

Also read: Complete Textbook Activity solved from “CLOUDS” | Class – 8 | WBBSE

Activity – 8(a)

Underline the verbs that denote actions which will be in progress at a time in the future:

1) I shall be reading a book next week.

Ans- shall be reading

2) You will be going to school tomorrow.

Ans- will be going

3) They will be visiting our house next month.

Ans- will be visiting

Activity – 8 (b)

Underline the verbs that denote actions that will be completed in the future:

1) I shall have written the story by then.

Ans- shall have written

2) He will have left before you go to see the doctor.

Ans- will have left

3) You shall have gone to the fair.

Ans- shall have gone

Activity – 8 (c)

Read the following sentences. Identify the future continuous tense and future perfect tense and fill in the table given below:

Future Continuous Tense –

I) I shall be playing in the field.

IV) They will be coming soon.

Future Perfect Tense

II) She will have recited the poem.

III) You will have enjoyed the picnic.

Activity – 9

Write the antonyms of the underlined words by using the prefixes from the help box:

A) It is possible for him to lift the chair.

Ans- impossible

B) His handwriting is legible.

Ans- illegible

C) Their claim is not reasonable.

Ans- unreasonable

D) He believes his friend.

Ans- disbelieves

Activity – 10 (a)

Write a story in about eighty words using the following hints:


Two Friends and A Bear

Once two friends were passing through a forest. Suddenly a bear came upon their way. Being afraid one of them climbed up a tree nearby. But the other who could not climb a tree, lay down like a dead man. He has learnt that bears do not touch a dead body. The bear came near the man. It smelt him, thought him dead and went away. Then the other friend came down and asked what the bear had told him. The latter replied: ” Never trust a false friend who leaves you in danger.”

Activity – 10 (b)

Suppose you have been waiting for a piece of good news. Write a paragraph in about eighty words on your experience:


Once I had been waiting for the news of the results of his annual examination. I was tense if I could fare well. On that day, I could not go to school. My mother went to receive my results. All the time I was restless. When are last my mother gave me the good news that I had topped the list, tears of boundless joy came flooding to my eyes. My mother hugged me and blessed me to grow better with due reverence, I bowed down on her feet and thanked God.

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